Why do deeply religious people spend so much time praising God? That’s something I’ve never understood.
I’m not a believer but, as I understand it, God is supposed to be omniscient. Isn’t that so?
Why do deeply religious people spend so much time praising God? That’s something I’ve never understood.
I’m not a believer but, as I understand it, God is supposed to be omniscient. Isn’t that so?
Growing old has at least one advantage (in addition to seniors’ discounts). After experiencing stuff for all of your years, you can learn from your mistakes. That is to say, you can learn from them if you have the necessary wisdom and can remember those life lessons.
I have almost no memory for names. It’s embarrassing.
For the past few years, I’ve been blaming such things on old age, but, at least in my case, old age deserves an apology for that. Truth is, I’ve always had a hard time remembering people’s names. My memory for faces is a bit better, but not much. …
Based on the title, you probably think this post is about the proper use of gender pronouns for the god or gods in a present-day religious context. It’s not. Gender discussions are minefields.
I’m an animal lover of epic proportions. That is to say, I greatly love animals, not that I’m of epic proportions. Seriously. (Right about now, you’re wondering, “which part(s) of that statement did ‘seriously’ apply to? Never mind that.)
Some people accuse me of becoming a grumpy old man. They are wrong. Totally.
Well, alright, maybe not totally wrong. The part about me becoming an old man may be—but only maybe—true.